Sunday, April 28, 2013

All Work is God's Calling

"All Work is God's Calling"  ~Pastor Matt Nu

Today was a great day of worship!  Brian and I attended worship at Arcola United Methodist Church in New Jersey with our new friends, Dave, Judy, and Hyo-Won.  The services we attended are Korean-English.  The message this morning was titled, "Monday Christian: 'Where is My Faith at Work?'"  Pastor Matt Na gave the message.  He encouraged us to take our faith to work on Mondays and not to keep God in a 'Sunday box.'

Our God is a God of purpose - we are created with purpose.  God worked at creation.  "He is a God with dirt under his fingernails."  

Work is for a PURPOSE, but for what purpose are you working?  Your own or God's?  Is it for the purpose of making MONEY so you can be rich?  to build a great NAME for yourself?  to earn the RESPECT of your parents?  to bring GLORY to God?  to point others to him?

"Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." 
~Ephesians 6:7

We all have an earthly BOSS, but more importantly, we have a HEAVENLY FATHER.  God is the boss you need to be most concerned with...and if God is happy with your work...the rest will fall into place!

Remembering that God is the supervisor of our work frees one up to work for him...and that realigns everything.  What was once mundane takes on new meaning.  Something like WASHING DISHES becomes a time to pray for others and to thank God for blessings.  

Who we work WITH takes on a new significance.  Each person is a child of God, a work in progress in need of GRACE and full of God-given talents and gifts.  

So, as you head to work tomorrow morning, I pray that the LIGHT of Christ is shining brightly in and through you.  May you tackle tasks with a new found enthusiasm and may you be gentle with co-workers in a way that REFLECTS Christ's LOVE.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Servant Leadership

"Jesus knew that the Father had put him in complete charge of everything, that he came from God and was on his way back to God. So he got up from the supper table, set aside his robe, and put on an apron. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples, drying them with his apron."  John 13:3-6  The Message

Today was a powerful day of missionary training.  My husband and I are being trained along with 9 other missionaries who have become a part of our family.  Each evening we take turns leading vespers.  Tonight one of our trainers, Jim Keech led the devotion.  After sharing his faith journey and call to mission, we wrapped a towel around his waist and washed his neigbor's feet, then encourage her to follow his example.  One by one we washed each other's feet.  It was a powerful and moving experience.

This is the ultimate example of servant leadership - that a teacher would stoop down to wash his student's feet.  I can't imagine what it felt like to be in the upper room with Jesus on the night of the Last Supper, but I now have a tiny image of how it may have felt.  I am honored and humbled at the same time to be called into an amazing experience of servant leadership as missionary.  As a fellow sojourner on the faith journey I encourage you to find a foot-washing moment.  Seek out an opportunity to serve your neighbor in the love of Christ.

May the light of Christ shine through you wherever you may go!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Be content to be a simple sheep, listening for my voice and following me.  I will lead you into restful green pastures and guide you along paths of righteousness."  From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

One of my favorite images of Christ is that of the Good Shepherd.  Both Psalm 23 and John 10 paint powerful images of how much the Good Shepherd cares for His sheep.  He knows each one by name and they know Him by the sound of His voice.  I love that God knows me by name and I can recognize Him by His voice!  I am but a simple sheep, following my very good Shepherd!  And what a journey He is leading me on!!!  As I begin this blog, I also begin a new journey in faith.  Faith to follow Christ to El Salvador.   I'm embarqing on a missionary journey to serve God with my brothers and sisters in Christ in the Evangelical Methodist Church of El Salvador.

Today I am near the end of my second week of Global Ministries training in New York, with one more week to go.  My husband, Brian is here with me and we have met some amazing people!!!  I'm being trained with 9 other missionaries 'from everywhere to everywhere.'  Fellow sheep!

I look forward to posting events from this journey.  I hope to offer stories of hope and encouragement for to inspire fellow sheep and to highlight the lives of sheep with hearts in love with God in El Salvador.  I'd love for you to travel on this journey with me!