I get to enjoy this beautiful
flower on my desk today because of a mistake!
It broke off while I leaned over a plant that I was watering in my
garden. Just when I began to feel
disappointed that I had shortened the beauty of this particular bloom, I saw
that right behind it another bloom was quickly forming. It reminded me how God works in my life. Just as I begin to mourn the loss of
something I have come to enjoy, he gives me a wonderful vision of what is to
come. He is constantly working new
things into our lives and the world around us.
God showed this verse to me a few
years ago, during a time of changing seasons.
My time living and working in North Carolina was coming to a close and a
new opportunity to serve in ministry in El Salvador was emerging. Many things were uncertain, but God remained
my steady rock. I am now on the other
side of that journey, enjoying the new opportunity in El Salvador, able to see
how God does keep his promises and they are definitely worth the wait!
I know that God is working something
new in your life, too! Maybe you are in
a season of dryness and desert living.
If so, trust that He “will make streams of water flow in the dry and
empty land” you are experiencing. I pray He will
send you a simple reminder today of His great love for you and the many mercies
He sends your way each day.
If you are embarking on a new
adventure, take courage in knowing that God is with you, leading you each step
of the way. Enjoy His sweet presence in
the obstacles and blessings that you encounter.
Look for new life springing up all around!
Choose to be a sign of Hope in
the life of someone today. Offer them
encouragement in your words, actions, and spoken prayers. Send a note to a friend who you know is going
through a difficult time. Make a point
to speak kind words to the person who bags your groceries today. Ask God to give you an opportunity to be a
reminder of the HOPE we have in Him today!
Thank you for sharing! This is just what I needed this morning! God is so wonderful!