Sunday, April 6, 2014

Ants in My Pants!

"Four things on earth are little, yet they are extremely wise:
Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer;
Conies are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags;
Locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks;
A spider can be caught with the hand, yet it is found in kings’ palaces."
~Proverbs 30:24-28

This scripture hangs over my kitchen sink because I am at war with ants!  They are trying to invade my kitchen…and our entire home.  At one point there were at least three different colonies descending upon our laundry room that leads into our kitchen.  (It’s a Salvadoran style laundry room with a Pila, a Gringo washing machine, and a sunny space for drying clothes.)

It’s been hanging in the kitchen for weeks now, yet Brian just noticed it tonight.  He said, “I think it’s funny you have a scripture about ants in the kitchen.”  

 He knows they drive me crazy.   

One day I made him move our pantry cabinet out of the kitchen so I could clean behind and all around it because I found a swarm of them in there that morning.

I explained to him that this scripture is there for a purpose.  That same day after emptying, moving, and scrubbing the pantry I was about to lose it with those ants.  My strength alone could not cope with them…so I googled scriptures about ants and I found this link.    

I read the story, wrote the scripture on a yellow index card and posted it over my kitchen sink.  Each time I wash the dishes, I read that scripture.  

Since then I now have only one colony invading the kitchen, but they really only get as far as the sink these days.  I don’t think the scripture had any magical powers in getting rid of the ants, but I do believe it gave me comfort in knowing that I can find wisdom for any problem, even one as tiny as an ant, in God’s living Word.  

1 comment:

  1. i like your expirience with the ants, and i know there is a lot wisdom with them.
    me gusta experiencia con las hormigas, yo se que hay mucha sabiduria en ellas.
